Alcotest 7110 Documents
Alcotest Downloaded Recalibration Data (best viewed in Corel, Quattro Pro):
ARWF – 0401
- 10-06-09
- 04-28-09
- 11-06-08
- 05-07-08
- 08-15-07
ARWF – 0065
- 10-06-09
- 04-28-09
- 11-06-08
- 05-07-08
- 08-15-07
- 02-13-07
Officer Certifications
Radar/Speed Measuring Device Documents
- Speedometer Calibration and Tuning Fork Certifications
- Miscellaneous Radar and Tuning Fork Certifications
Miscellaneous Items
Link to the Township of Hamilton website